A Journey of Hope and Resilience: Holly’s Path to Parenthood


By the time Holly Kendall-Napier had begun dating her husband, Anthony, and they realized they wanted to get married, they were both over 40. Anthony had been married before and had never had children, thinking it was due to low testosterone. Holly knew her chances of getting pregnant naturally with a good quality egg would be slim. She began her fertility journey at another clinic, but the experience felt cold and impersonal – leaving Holly feeling like she was just a number.

Everything changed the minute Holly and Anthony met Dr. Meredith Provost at Indiana Fertility Institute. Her compassion and dedication were evident, and the couple felt hopeful for the first time in a long while.

“We knew this was the doctor we had hoped and prayed to find. She didn’t guarantee anything, except that she would do anything in her power to help us start our family.”

As part of their journey, Anthony went to a urologist to address his low sperm count. After several attempts to find a solution, Holly and Anthony received devastating news: Anthony had no viable sperm, likely due to an illness he had as a child. It was a difficult blow, and Dr. Provost also discovered Holly had a sizable fibroid tumor. She conducted ultrasounds and various tests to assess its impact on getting pregnant and sustaining a pregnancy. Fortunately, the fibroid turned out not to be an issue, giving Holly and Anthony a small but significant piece of good news.

Next, the two of them had to come to terms with the reality that while they could start a family, the child would not be genetically linked to them. It was a tough realization, but they embraced the idea with open hearts and moved forward.

“We realized that would never change our love for our future child.”

Holly and Anthony embarked on the process of selecting an egg and sperm donor, a decision filled with hope and anticipation. Sadly, their first IVF cycle ended in disappointment, but they refused to give up.

“Having a failed cycle is humbling. You hope, wish, and pray so hard. When it doesn’t happen, you begin to wonder if it ever will.”

On their second cycle, their dreams came true – Holly became pregnant with their baby boy, Benny, who is now 9 months old! After so many twists and turns, Holly and Anthony were thrilled that their lifelong dream of having a baby came true.

Throughout the ups and downs of their journey, Dr. Provost and her team at Indiana Fertility Institute were there every step of the way.

“Our heartbreak was hers and our joy was hers as well. The staff at IFI was the most supportive and loving individuals I have come across in the medical community.”

Looking back, Holly’s journey was filled with challenges and heartache, but it was also marked by resilience, hope, and the unwavering support of the people around her. Her advice to other aspiring parents?

“Don’t let the fact that a child might not have your exact genetic makeup [deter you]. Just know that a family is based on so much more than that. Love, nurturing, care, safety, a sense of belonging, it all makes a family. You can’t get those things from genetics.”

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Holly for sharing her incredible journey with us. Her trust means the world to us, and we are honored to have been a part of her fertility journey. We hope that her story inspires others who are facing similar challenges, providing hope and encouragement. If you are ready to begin your own journey, we invite you to sign up for a consultation with our dedicated team. Together, we can help you achieve your family-building dreams!