Fertility FAQs

Your Questions About Infertility Answered

Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. Learn more about infertility in both men and women, the science of conception, common terms you’ll see, and how we can preserve your fertility for later use.

  • Infertility is commonly defined as “not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying.” Experts often recommend that women who are older than 35 years and have not conceived during a six-month period of unprotected sex should make an appointment with an infertility specialist. Women who do not have a regular monthly period should also consider seeing a reproductive endocrinologist because ovulation problems are the most common infertility factor in women.

Fertility is Unique to Every Person

Our expert staff understands that not being able to conceive on your own in a timely fashion can be stressful. Feelings of anxiety, frustration, guilt and insecurity are perfectly normal. After your initial visit, however, you should be glad to learn that simple infertility treatments are available and, if a more complex treatment is needed, you have come to the right place.

We look forward to embarking on the hopeful journey of parenthood with you.
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